![Nikon-Z7ii FTZ Firmware Update](https://coolwildlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Nikon-Z6ii-FTZ-Firmware-Update.jpg)
Nikon z6ii FTZ Firmware | Required First Step
Warning: The new Nikon z6ii cameras require an FTZ firmware update before you can use your FTZ adapter with your F mount lenses. I was really shocked that the new[…]
Read the post.If you are a Canadian and a wildlife photographer or simply lead an active lifestyle outdoors then you absolutely need to bookmark the Live Out There site and visit it daily. I discovered the Live Out There site this past summer and while my wallet is a little lighter, ok a lot lighter, I have scored some killer deals on brand name outdoor gear like Arc’teryx, Merrell, Marmot, Icebreaker, Patagonia, The North Face and Mountain Hardwear to name a few. The daily deals present discounts of 48-70%, no joke. My father once told me if it sounds too good to be true walk away. Well in this case he would say browse away because these deals are for real and they are unmatched by any other retailer I am aware of to date. There are two areas within the site that offer you the possibility to save big. The first is the Live Out There discount bin. Here you will find outdoor gear from all the brand names with savings of 25-70% on select items. Consider it the Winners equivalent for Outdoor gear in Canada. The second area and my personal favorite is the daily deals section. This is a one day sale or until stock on that specific item is depleted. To take advantage of the daily deals you need to be aware of a few shopping tips as follows:
Bonus: Live Out There offers free shipping and returns within Canada. Don’t ask me how they do that and still offer such ridiculous discounts, they obviously have some great relationships with their suppliers. I have personally shipped an item back due to improper sizing and the whole process was handled online and very efficient. You’ll be provided with a prepaid postage label online that you print and attach to the box and your office to Canada Post. My hats off to Live Out There as they have a winning formula that has me coming back daily and opening my wallet nearly as often, much to the dismay of my wife.:)) Thanks boys for a great outdoor gear shopping experience, keep those daily deals coming.