merino wool

  1. Icebreaker Clothing – Unbreakable Outdoor Gear

    Disclaimer: Some, ok 99.8% of you, will consider the events that follow positively gross, but that’s what created the buzz for us and made it worth risking a nasty untreatable[…]

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  2. Body Odor No More – So What Is Merino Wool and How Does It Work?

    If you’ve got a friend who has a problem with body odor keep reading.  Ever since I wore the Icebreaker merino wool base layers in Alaska for eight days straight[…]

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  3. Icebreaker Merino Wool Base Layers – So What’s The Big Stink?

    ICEBREAKER MERINO BASE LAYERS Already know about Icebreaker and want to buy go to the “Icebreaker Store”  You may choose the country you reside in from a drop down menu[…]

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